Singing Guide: Stellar Kart

Singing Guide: Stellar Kart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Stellar Kart is an American pop punk and alternative rock band founded in Phoenix, Arizona in 2002. The band consists of lead vocalist and bassist, Adam Agee, drummer, Jeremy Houts, lead guitarist, Nick Baumhardt, and rhythm guitarist, Jon Howard.

To sing like Adam Agee, you'll need to work on your tone and control. Adam has a unique range that is high and powerful, but also smooth and controlled at the same time.

One recommended warm-up exercise is the Farinelli Breathing exercise. This will help you develop proper breathing techniques for singing.

When it comes to tone control, one of Adam’s key techniques is twang. To develop this technique, you can follow this Twang Exercise video from Singing Carrots. Twang is a way of adding a brighter, more focused sound to your voice, which works well for certain genres of music, such as pop punk.

Stellar Kart songs showcase Adam's range and techniques. Among the band's most famous songs is "Life Is Good," where Adam's vocals display his control of pitch and intonation, making it a great song to learn for practicing your own vocal control.

If you're interested in Stellar Kart songs and want to find others to sing along and practice your vocal skills, Singing Carrots provides a useful tool to search songs matching your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty.

Finally, Singing Carrots offers an educational singing course for beginners, where you’ll learn the basics of singing, including important concepts like breathing, posture, and vocal registration.

If you follow the advice, exercises and useful tools provided by Singing Carrots, you'll have all the resources you need to start singing like Adam Agee from Stellar Kart.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.